Tag Archives: savings

Do-It-Yourself home energy assessments

modern energy savingWell, it’s time for another of those seemingly unending tasks of home ownership. Most of us live in areas where summer has begun, and many of us have begun the belated yearly quest to save on our home energy costs. Here is an easy-to-use, intuitive guide from www.energysavers.gov to help you conduct an easy do-it-yourself home energy assessment (also known as a home energy audit). With a simple but diligent walk-through, you can spot many problems in any type of house. When assessing your home, keep a checklist of areas you have inspected and problems you’ve found. This list will help you prioritize your energy efficiency upgrades.


I hope you find this useful and timely informative! If you’re looking for a top notch home inspection in Anacortes, Washington or the San Juan Islands (including Orcas Island, Friday Harbor, Lopez Island, and Shaw Island) to keep you from buying “The Money Pit,” then you need Tim Hance of All Islands Home Inspections working for you! Over the past 8 years, we’ve protected over 3,200 buyers from unexpected post-closing expenses. Call (360) 298-1163 to schedule your Anacortes or San Juan Islands Home Inspection today!

How much can you save if your replace that OLD refrigerator?

fridgeShould you replace that old refrigerator?

You probably know that refrigerators are typically the most energy-hungry appliances in your home, so the more efficient your refrigerator the more money you can save. Older refrigerators are usually two to three times more costly to run than newer models. If you still have a fridge from the 1980s, replace it with an ENERGY STAR qualified model and save over $100 each year on your utility bills. Replace a fridge from the 1970s and save nearly $200 each year! If you are wondering whether replacing your refrigerator is a good decision for you, ENERGY STAR Savings has a calculator you can use to find out exactly how much money you’ll save by replacing your existing refrigerator.

10 Ways to Reduce Your Summer Utility Bills

Now that the summer heat—and summertime utility bills—are making you sweat, you might want to consider making a few changes to cut your energy consumption. You can shave dollars off your monthly bills without sacrificing comfort, as long as you plan ahead and get creative. Here’s US News and World Report’s room-by-room guide to saving money this summer and benefiting the Earth at the same time!