Tag Archives: insect damage


As a home inspector, my job is to find problems that need to be addressed. 

Bugs, unfortunately, sometimes make this task a little too easy.

When I see wood that’s been gnawed on by carpenter ants or anobiid beetles, I’m not so much a detective as simply the bearer of bad news. Fortunately, most insect damage isn’t the end of the world (or wooden beam).  

During a recent inspection in Oak Harbor, I saw insect damage at the base of a 6×6 support column in a home’s crawl space. In my report, I recommended the replacement of deterioration and the insect-damaged structure.

If you have questions or comments about insect damage or home inspections in general, tweet me (@AIHomeInspect).


John, Paul, Ringo, and George. Yep, you know them as The Beatles. 

“Hey, Jude.” “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” “All You Need Is Love.” The list goes on and on.

Evidence of their remarkable impact as the most influential band in the world is easily found in their catalog of timeless hits. 

Unfortunately, there is another kind of beetle that has also left a wide, not-so-positive mark: the anobiid beetle. For homeowners, anobiid beetles are the enemy. Don’t believe me? Just listen to its nicknames: “powderpost beetle,” “furniture beetle,” and my personal fave—“deathwatch beetle.”

Not exactly the “Fab Four.” 

During a recent inspection in San Juan County, I encountered deterioration and apparent anobiid beetle activity/damage noted at some of the basement wood windows and sills.

While these little buggers can cause lots of damage, remember this simple rule: bugs love moisture. If you take care of your moisture problems, you take care of your bug problems.

If you have questions or comments about possible insect activity/damage or home inspections in general, tweet me (@AIHomeInspect).


Insect-damaged structural elements in a home, yikes! It’s widespread in older homes but can happen with any home or structure. The common denominator is ALWAYS elevated moisture, which leads to insect activity. Wood destroying insects are attracted to moisture and seek it out, so it’s imperative to keep your home dry.

Elevated moisture from plumbing leaks, water intrusion in the crawl space, and improper ventilation can all lead to insect activity and damage. If you see piles of dust or what looks like sawdust in your home, you may very well have an insect problem requiring further evaluation, repair, and treatment.

I always recommend homeowners have someone look into their crawl spaces and attics once annually, looking for signs of water, elevated moisture, or wood destroying insect activity. Wood destroying insects in our area include carpenter ants, Anobiid beetles, and Pacific Dampwood termites. All of these insects are attracted to moisture, all seek it out, and all eat or damage wood structures.

If your home is dry, these wood-destroying insects have zero interest in your home. ZERO! Keeping moisture away from a home is the single most crucial factor in helping prevent wood-destroying insect activity and damage.

If you have questions or comments about bug infestations or home inspections in general, tweet me (@AIHomeInspect).

VIDEO: Huge Open Seams in Siding!

Failed caulking details and huge vulnerable seams between siding abutments at the exterior of a home in Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands were discovered at a recent home inspection. It’s very important to protect open seams at the building’s exterior from water intrusion which can, and will, lead to water/insect damage in short time. Caulking abutments is advised, or installing a metal flashing detail behind open seams does the trick too.