Tag Archives: air conditioning

It’s filter replacement time!


Most of us remember to check and change the filters in our heating and air conditioning systems regularly (and we help by reminding you to do so), but as they say on infomercials, “Wait, there’s more!” Most range vents and vent hoods have changeable filters as do many bathroom exhaust and heating fans. Home water filters (drinking water, pitcher, countertop/faucet, under counter drinking water or refrigerator water/icemaker filters) also need to be changed on a regular basis; so do shower and whole house water filtration filters. In general, a larger unit will have a special compartment, which contains a cartridge-style filter. Saving the packaging from the filter will give you detailed instructions about removal, replacement and proper intervals for future filter changes. While you are at it don’t forget to check and clean or replace the little filters in your aerated faucets.