Missed out on the refi boom? You may be in luck!

Housing market. Price dropMainStreet.com says, “The housing crash put a lot of homeownership dreams on hold. Lending went from paperless applications and mindless approvals to stringent restrictions, pristine credit requirements and creeping rates. Not only was buying a home growing out of reach for first-timers, but refinancing an existing mortgage was practically out of the question. A lot of people felt like they had missed an opportunity for owning a home of their own. Now, they may be getting a second chance. Housing prices have risen, but moderated. Lenders are once again open for business – and rates have slipped back to those “near historic lows” that tempted us so much in the first place. And revised mortgage fees recently implemented by the Federal Housing Authority could mean even more incentives – for prospective buyers and refinancers alike.” See the full article.