The following is not exactly a news flash: Rust is a common issue here in the Pacific Northwest. I know, shocking, right? Living in a coastal environment has a way of helping rust to blossom (although, as you undoubtedly know, some areas in our little corner of the world get far less rain than others).

The highest-exposure sections of a home typically lead the charge when it comes to rust, and this includes chimney flashing and counter-flashing details. Taking care of these features is very importantbecause the flashing is what seals the space between your roof and your chimney. Rust and corrosion at these areas may allow water to enter the home and be pretty darn expensive to repair or replace.

Recently, during a home inspection in Oak Harbor, I noticed this issue. I recommended that the client use an exterior-rated metal paint to extend serviceable life of the chimney flashing details that were beginning to rust and corrode. These types of preventative measures can potentially save a good bit of coin later.

Do you have questions or comments about flashing details or home inspections in general? Go “All” in and tweet us (@AIHomeInspect).