Tag Archives: cement


Although its manufacture was banned in the U.S. by the EPA in 1973, asbestos cement siding is still around, and inspectors are likely to encounter it on their inspections of exterior cladding.  While its hazards are limited if this material is undamaged, proper maintenance is key for avoiding structural issues related to water intrusion, as well as the health risks associated with damage to this type of building product. 

Driveway stain removal

driveway-stainHere’s a hint from a Popular Mechanics article: “If you do your own work on your car or other equipment like lawnmowers or chain saws, you’re bound to have oil stains on your garage floor or driveway. Here’s something that works and is basically free: ground-up drywall. Pulverize a small piece with a hammer, then grind it up in your hands and sprinkle it over the stains. Let it stay in place overnight before rinsing it off. If the first application doesn’t remove the whole stain, try it again. Some very old stains can take three or more applications.”